Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brave, Smart.

This is the Atlanta I love. Give me a bow tie with a cuffed khaki any day of the week! It's so simple, and classic... and yet edgy, if you think about it. It takes bravery to look this good when half the other women her age sporting bootcut jeans and bedazzled tank-tops. It's hard to make such a traditional look feel so contemporary... and, if I may add, beautiful.

Her colour-palette is understated and elegant, leaving room for her personality to be the thing we remember the most. A subtle stripe in the shirt lets us know she has an eye for sartorial details, and the way she mixed her brown leathers let us know that just because she's sharp doesn't mean she's fussy. I'll forgive the pretied bow tie because her perferated wingtips more than compensate. "They were my Dad's," she explain, "he had little feet." I'll try to post a close-up of them later if i can find one.


  1. Guys it was a pleasure meeting you! Thanks for the wonderfully written post and i look forward to seeing you in the future

    hey follow me on twitter! charity40391

  2. Andrew!...I found you. Love the lady's version next dressing experiment.

    Great blog and looking forward to following.

    You can find my little adventure here:

    Wonderful hanging out this weekend...hopefully it won't be too long before we meet again. :)
